My first soul mate, Mya

In honor of the 12th and final day of my countdown I remember my very first baby, Mya.  Below is the obituary that I emailed to my friends and family the day I said goodbye to my girl – Mother’s Day 2010.  I still see her out of the corner of my eye sometimes and she frequently visits me in my dreams.  Sometimes the dreams are so real that I wake up crying, confused, and lonely.  There just aren’t words to describe the connection I had – have – with her…but I know you will understand. 

 The life and times of Zoey.


February 3, 2002 – May 9, 2010

Born on Super Bowl Sunday 2002, Mya was the sweetest pup from day one.  She was one of only 2 girls in her litter of 11 puppies born in Hazel Park, MI.  I met her right around the time she was two weeks old and immediately knew that she would be mine.  For life.  I brought her home not too long after when she was a mere 4 weeks and 6 days old and named her Mya.  She was tiny and instantly I was her new momma.  For many nights and many naps, she and I would sleep together with her curled up around my neck.  For warmth and for the heartbeat, I always believed.  She and I played, and walked, and ran, and napped, and played some more.

Mya and I spent 8 years, 3 months, and 6 days loving one another.  We shared many trials and tribulations and adventures.  Mya was by my side for the hard months after my step-father passed away, she was there when I graduated from college, and kept me on my toes with her constant desire to play catch.  Ah, how I will miss those slimy tennis balls being dropped in my lap.  Mya, without hesitation, was my most loyal companion and fierce protector.  She could always sense good and not-so-good and she would alert me appropriately.  She always knew when I was sad or happy or mad.  With her soulful eyes and loving energy, she knew how to respond to each of my emotions. Mya was the most sensitive and empathetic dog; more so than most people.  She was truly one of my soul mates…who, unfortunately, has gone too soon.

Today, after a sudden battle with acute symptoms of a chronic problem, I made the most difficult decision to set her free from this world…to cross the rainbow bridge.  I mourn the loss of my baby, on this Mother’s Day, but I know that she is no longer fighting an uphill battle.  Mya was more to me than “just a dog” – she was my first-born and best friend and constant companion.  I may never find another like her and, maybe, I don’t want to.  For she was one of a kind and I will, once the tears have dried, be eternally grateful that we shared these years together.  For now, I am just empty.

My family, too, mourns the loss of our sweet baby girl, Mya or Myma as we often called her.  She was a puppy that we all grew up with.  Known lovingly as Mya Papaya, Momma’s baby, Fling, Stick, and Baby Girl…she will forever and ever be in our hearts.  Today is a hard day and a special day all the same.  I hope that you wrap your arms around your dog (or cat) today and, even when you’re busy and caught up in this crazy human world of ours, that you remember how much our four-legged friends mean to us.  To be loved by a dog is to be loved by an angel.


Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened. -Anatole France

The life and times of Zoey.Mya, the first week I had her.  Very much a baby, I felt that she needed a bassinet so I fashioned one out of a copy paper box.  Here she is with our golden, Faith, who I will talk much more about in the New Year.

The life and times of Zoey.Many nights and many naps.  Some of the best sleep I ever got.

The life and times of Zoey.Absolutely precious.  She was a destructive puppy for nearly two years but this face was all I needed to forget the destroyed carpet.

The life and times of Zoey.One of my favorite photos: the crib shot!

The life and times of Zoey.I found Mya a few times sitting on this side of the gate when I would get home.  Sweet and innocent looking.

The life and times of Zoey.Mya’s legs grew longer before her body caught up.  She was insanely cute.

The life and times of Zoey.The bed was her bomb shelter.  For some reason, she loved getting 3/4 of her body under the bed.  It cracked me up.

The life and times of Zoey.I probably have hundreds of shots like this.  Mya had a camera in her face every day from the moment I brought her home.  She was a poser, a clown, and a gentle, loving soul.  She could run like the wind and catch a ball like nobody’s business.  She would climb up on my lap and I would barely feel it; she was delicate like a ballerina and equally as agile.

Forever and ever in my heart…

17 thoughts on “My first soul mate, Mya

    • Very kind words! It’s so heartwarming to know that I have touched people – new friends – from afar with my words and my babies! It means a lot to me, thank you!

    • Dogs (and cats) have a way of connecting with our deepest self. They make us better people and evoke such strong emotions. I am glad that you stopped by and left a note, thank you!

  1. What beautiful words. I recently lost my best friend in a very similar way. I know it will be a long and slow process. It sounds like she had a wonderful like, and was much loved.

  2. What a beautiful tribute Aimee, and a incredible way to honor Mya, and your life together. That is so cool that you got her at such a young age, that’s neat. I have a whole file folder of pictures of Nells, I am truly his mama too, so I do understand as much as I can, and I’m still sorry for your loss. You gave her a glorious, happy, fulfilled life!

    xo thanks for sharing wtih us 🙂

  3. Pingback: Eleven. « The life and times of Zoey.

  4. Pingback: Frustrated and concerned | The life and times of Zoey.

  5. Pingback: Six…for sure! | The life and times of Zoey.

  6. Pingback: One day | The life and times of Zoey.

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